Supporting the Penguin Trust
The Mohua (Golden Bay) Blue Penguin Trust is a registered charitable trust. All donations are tax deductible. Our bank account number is:
03 1354 0507233 000
Mohua Blue Penguin Trust
Please help us protect the world’s smallest penguin! By using the "Donate" button below, you can donate any amount - pay by credit or debit card. All donations are securely processed via Paypal. Thank you!
You can also:
Sponsor a penguin nesting box $30
Purchase a rat trap tunnel and trap $20
Volunteer work
Volunteering is a great opportunity for all nature lovers out there who share our passion for penguins! Since the creation of the Trust, many environmentally-minded people have donated their time to help build nesting boxes and rat trap tunnels. Others have joined the "construction work" which allowed the expansion of the penguin colony at Port Tarakohe.
If you would like to help too, there is likely a project on offer that suits your skills. Get in touch if you don't mind getting your hands dirty. Let it be said that none of the volunteer work involves handling penguins. Little penguins are wild birds, and the "Wildlife Act 1953" requires specialised training and permits in order to handle them. Consequently, hands-on work with penguins is unsuitable for volunteers.
But there are other ways in which you can help! See the "Projects" page for details. In addition, we'd love to hear from you if you have experience in fund-raising, web design or software development.
Support our sponsors:
- Opmetrix CRM
- GB Workcentre Trust
- Golden Bay Community Trust
- Fresh Choice Takaka
- Sotheby's Realty
- Fulton Hogan
- Stone Arrow Gallery
- Melissa Boardman
- Network Tasman
- Rural Service Centre
- Lottery Grants Board
- Nelmac Environmental Services
- Tasman District Council
- Department of Conservation
- Top of the South Community Foundation
- Tui Balms Golden Bay
Our sponsors are: